Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Halloween

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Tuesday, October 07, 2008



This is the first frame i have ever made. Not bad I think... and inside the frame is my first framed panoramic! Effin YAY!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

the water

this is the second most beautifully colored water i've ever seen in real life... (i hope that jamaica holds prettier...). this scene is close to camp kiesel in utah. the fall leaves here provide a lovely contrast to the cool waters below... or something like that.


nothing like a blood red "toxic" tagging to catch my eye. we pulled over to take photos and the second i jumped out of the truck i was pelted in the face by this dramatic branding. i could not help but wonder what was the word "toxic" doing in the middle of effin no where? and what was that guy thinking?? i stood and looked out over the edge of a hill to see the second most beautifully colored water i have ever seen in real life and could not help but to feel the purity. i say, "hmmm," to the toxicity.

new favorite photo!

ok... ok... i know i have a new favorite photo allll the time, but this one-- simply beautiful! when i took this photo i was surrounded by fall leaves and rain and it was ty's idea for me to get out the macro lens. i found this box elder bug lying on his back (probably not having the best day) and i was simply drawn to his beautiful colors. this photograph was taken at three times life size.