Friday, January 23, 2009

Click to see eyes

Love the intensity in this one.

Diggin the colors


I love that Candace looks soft, yet pissed... all at the same time.

I don't remember

This was at the beginning of the day and I do not recall what filters I used to create this image, but I love it!

Click to enlarge and check out how sharp her eyes are

Lovely eyes

Some softening and sharpening added to this image.

Giggling Candace

That's how we keep her... giggling alllll the time. :)

My favorite happy accident

I perpidentally made this image and probably could never do it again. LOL. Click to enlarge.
Possibly my favorite prcessed image today

Love the feet

This shot was fun and spunky! I burned the edges and created high contrast

I love the smile in her eyes


Blinking is not always a tragedy and partially desaturated this one and added a gaussian blur, sharpened selective areas.

I love high contrast


Burned the edges, partially desaturated and burned some of the dress for detail.

B&W image

Burned the edges a lot to draw the focus into my Candace friend.

contrasting environment

I love the contrast in the subject and the environment! I thought Lydia was nuts at first and it was all me who failed to see her vision! Partially desaturated this one and tinged the background blue (in case you didn't notice). Lots of sharpening and burning for detail in the dress.

Red hair

Sorry guys... don't remember everything I did to this photo to create the beautiful pastels, but I love the end result! Click to enlarge!


Don't forget to keep the eyes as the focal point.

Candace close up

I love this shot of Candace's lovely face and the sharpness of her eyes. Couldn't decide if I liked the color one or the B&W one better.

This is Lydia!

This whole shoot was Lydia's idea and thanks to her I came out of it with some beautiful images! I was not a very good model... oops! Sorry, Lydia!

Burned the edges, desaturated, bit of blurring and sharpening. I also used Photoshop's B&W filters of high contrast blue and B&W auto.

Candace straight out of the camera

Candace is just beautiful even without any Photoshopping. Photoshop is a tool to make good images great, not to cover up any technical errors caused by the photographer.


This is the same image as below, but fully desaturated and I did some selective burning in Photoshop. I sharpened the image and the sharpness and high contrast make it look more like film. (I think anyway.)

WHOA NELLY! This is my HOT friend Candace!

This image has been mostly desaturated with the exception of the jewelry and hair thing.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

family sillys